March 26th and we are ready! Greg had his last game before a 55 day break. Perfect timing to have a baby! The more I walk around the more contractions I seem to get. Just not quite there...
Our homage to our lives revolved around basketball!
We were so blessed to spend Easter Week with our special guest, CINDY!!!
Our new friends, The Mack Family joined us for the day at the beach as well! We really do feel bad for the Minnesotans still seeing snow when we're on the beach when its 90 degrees!
Even Drake Pride makes its way to Dubai! We took turns wearing the pin Ron brought us from Des Moines. Even though Greg had chosen them to lose in his NCAA brackets we were still hoping the Bulldogs would pull out the win. So sad to see them lose the way they did! That's why its called MARCH MADNESS!
We'll miss Gabe, Shannon, Kira and baby on the way!! Unfortunately Gabe tore his MCL and they had to go back to California. We wish him a fast recovery! So many good times!